To view the status of a proposal and historical information, please refer to the Curricular Approval Request System (CARS). For historical information prior to August 2016 and the implementation of CARS, please contact Curricular Services at or (979) 845-8201.Depending on the type of proposal, the internal approval process may take approximately one month at each level – beginning with the initiating unit and ending with the President's signature.
A proposal requiring external approval/notification can take additional months after the internal process has been completed. Once external approval/notification has been granted, the Office of the Provost notifies the respective departments, colleges and Curricular Services.
CARS Purge Policy for Stale Proposals
The following types of proposals will be purged from CARS if there has been no activity for six months (180 days).
- New proposals saved but not submitted through workflow
- Edited proposals saved but not submitted through workflow
- Proposals which have been rolled back to the initiator
Purging will occur in December and June of each calendar year. A department wishing to reserve a proposal beyond six months must contact Curricular Services to ensure the proposal is not shredded.