Undergraduate Certificates | Program Code | Effective Term | Program Hours | College | Dept | Certificate Type |
Behavioral Health formerly Applied Behavioral Health | UCT=BEHL | Fall 2017 | 15 | AT | PBSI | Major (PSYC) |
Biomedical Research formerly Biomedical Research and Development | UCT=BRES | Fall 2015 | 18 | AT | CLAT | Degree |
Business Technology | UCT-BSTC | Fall 2024 | 12 | BA | CLBA | Degree |
Coffee Processing and Quality | UCT-COPQ | Fall 2024 | 15 | AG | FSTC | Stand-alone |
Commercial Banking | UCT-COBA | Fall 2014 | 12 | BA | FINC | Major (FINC) |
Communication Leadership and Conflict Management | UCT=CMLD | Fall 2012 | 15 | AT | CMJR | Degree |
Corporate Finance | UCT-CFIN | Fall 2018 | 16 | BA | FINC | Major (FINC) |
Corrosion Science and Engineering | UCT-CSIE | Fall 2019 | 15 | EN | MSEN | Stand-alone |
Culinary Health | UCT-CUHL | Fall 2024 | 13 | AG | NUTR | Major (NUTR) |
Cyber Operations | UCT-CYOP | Fall 2024 | 12 | EN | CSCE | Major (CPSC) |
Data Analytics for Petroleum Industry | UCT-DAPI | Fall 2021 | 13 | EN | PETE | Degree |
Data Center Operations Engineering | UCT-DCEN | Fall 2014 | 13 | EN | ISEN | Degree |
Data Engineering | UCT-DAEN | Fall 2021 | 12 | EN | ISEN | Degree |
Energy Accounting | UCT-ENYA | Fall 2012 | 13 | BA | ACCT | Degree |
Engineering Concept, Creation, and Commercialization | UCT-ENCC | Fall 2019 | 13 | EN | CLEN | Degree |
Engineering Systems Management | UCT-ENSM | Summer 2013 | 12 | EN | ISEN | Degree |
Engineering Therapeutics Manufacturing | UCT-ETMF | Fall 2013 | 12 | EN | CHEN | Degree |
Equine Science | UCT-EQSC | Fall 2012 | 17 | AG | ANSC | Degree |
Floral Design | UCT-FDSN | Fall 2021 | 16 | AG | HRSC | Degree |
Food Diversity | UCT-FDIV | Fall 2019 | 15 | AG | FSTC | Stand-alone |
Health Communication | UCT=HLCM | Fall 2014 | 12 | AT | CMJR | Degree |
Holistic Leadership in Engineering | UCT-HLDR | Fall 2017 | 15 | EN | CLEN | Degree |
Healthy Development | UCT=HLYD | Fall 2017 | 15 | AT | PBSI | Major (PSYC) |
Hospitality Management formerly Tourism and Hospitality Management | UCT-HSMG, UCT-HSMG-XDE | Fall 2015 | 15 | AG | HMGT | Stand-alone |
Interdisciplinary Studies | CTU-INST | Fall 2020 | 13 | ED | EPSY | Stand-alone |
Internal Audit | UCT-IAUD | Fall 2017 | 15 | BA | ACCT | Degree |
International Business Studies | UCT-IBSU | Fall 2006 | 18 | BA | CLBA | Degree |
International Engineering formerly International Certificate for Engineering Students | UCT-IENG | Fall 2007 | 15 | EN | CLEN | Degree |
International Trade and Agriculture | UCT-ITAG | Fall 2004 | 15 | AG | AGEC | Degree |
Legal History | UCT=LHST | Fall 2022 | 12 | AT | HIST | Degree |
Meat Science | UCT-MTSC | Fall 2005 | 18 | AG | ANSC | Degree |
Petroleum Ventures | UCT-PETV | Fall 2017 | 25 | EN | PETE | Degree |
Philosophy Pre-Law | UCT=PPLW | Fall 2016 | 12 | AT | PHIL | Degree |
Polymer Specialty | UCT-PLYS | Fall 2006 | 12 | EN | MSEN | Degree |
Professional Event Management formerly Professional Event Manager | UCT-PETM, UCT-PETM-XDE | Fall 2011 | 15 | AG | HMGT | Stand-alone |
Proficiency in Modern Languages | UCT=PMDL | Fall 2024 | 12 | AT | GLAC | Degree |
Psychology of Diversity | UCT=PSDV | Fall 2017 | 15 | AT | PBSI | Major (PSYC) |
Public Health Entomology | UCT-PHET | Fall 2013 | 15 | AG | ENTO | Degree |
Recreation and Park Management | UCT-RPMG | Fall 2021 | 15 | AG | HMGT | Major (RPTS) |
Safety Engineering formerly Systems Safety Engineering Specialty Certificate | UCT-SENG | Fall 2002 | 15 | EN | CHEN | Degree |
Social Media | UCT=SMDI | Fall 2018 | 15 | AT | MJR | Degree |
Strategic Communication | UCT=STRC | Fall 2014 | 15 | AT | CMJR | Degree |
Tourism Management | UCT-TMGT, UCT-TMGT-XDE | Fall 2014 | 15 | AG | HMGT | Major (RPTS) |
Trading, Risk and Investments | UCT-TRIV | Fall 2014 | 17 | BA | FINC | Major (FINC) |
Viticulture and Enology formerly Enology | UCT-VIEN | Fall 2017 | 15 | AG | HRSC | Degree |
Work and Organizations | UCT=WOOR | Fall 2017 | 15 | AT | PBSI | Major (PSYC) |
Youth Development | UCT-YDEV | Fall 2014 | 15 | AG | HMGT | Major (RPTS) |
Note: Program codes beginning with CTU% are eligible for financial aid. Program codes beginning with UCT% are not eligible for financial aid at this time.
Graduate Certificates | Program Code | Effective Term | Program Hours | College | Dept | Certificate Type |
Adult Education | CTG-AEDU, CTG-AEDU-XDE | Fall 2019 | 12 | ED | EAHR | Stand-alone |
Advanced Education in General Dentistry | CTG-AEGD | Fall 2019 | 24.5 | DN | COMD | Stand-alone |
Advanced International Affairs | CTG-CAIA, CTG-CAIA-XDE | Fall 2000 | 12 | GB | INTA | Stand-alone |
Africana Studies | GCT=AFST | Fall 2011 | 12 | AT | GLAC | Degree |
Agriculture eLearning Development | GCT-AGRE, GCT-AGRE-XDE | Fall 2008 | 12 | AG | ALEC | Stand-alone |
Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit Design | GCT-AMIC, GCT-AMIC-XDE | Fall 2019 | 14 | EN | ECEN | Stand-alone |
Applied Behavior Analysis | GCT-ABEV, GCT-ABEV-XDE | Fall 2011 | 21 | ED | EPSY | Stand-alone |
Applied Statistics | GCT=APLS, GCT=APLS=XDE | Fall 2008 | 12 | AT | STAT | Stand-alone |
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | CTG-AIML-XDE | Fall 2024 | 12 | EN | CSCE | Stand-alone |
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology | GCT-BICB | Fall 2022 | 15 | AG | BCBP | Degree |
Business Data Analytics | GCT-BDAT, GCT-BDAT-XDE | Fall 2017 | 12 | BA | CLBA | Degree |
Business Intelligence and Analytics | GCT-BIAN, GCT-BIAN-XDE | Fall 2017 | 12 | BA | INFO | Degree |
Business Law and Compliance | CTG-BSLC, CTG-BSLC-XDE | Fall 2021 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
College Teaching | GCT-CLTE | Fall 2019 | 12 | ED | EAHR | Stand-alone |
Conservation Training | GCT=COTR | Fall 2005 | 12 | AT | ANTH | Stand-alone |
Cybersecurity Law and Policy | CTG-CYLM-XDE | Fall 2022 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Cybersecurity Management | GCT-CYMG | Fall 2020 | 12 | BA | INFO | Degree |
Data Management | GCT-DMGT, GCT-DMGT-XDE | Fall 2021 | 12 | BA | INFO | Degree |
Dental Public Health | CTG-DDPH | Fall 2019 | 24 | DN | DPHS | Degree |
Digital Integrated Circuit Design | GCT-DICD | Fall 2024 | 15 | EN | ECEN | Degree |
Digital Humanities | GCT=DHUM | Fall 2008 | 12 | AT | ENGL | Degree |
Dispute Resolution - Law, Policy, and Problem-Solving | GCT-DRES-XDE | Fall 2023 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Education for Healthcare Professionals | GCT-EDHP, GCT-EDHP-XDE | 14 | MD | CLMN | Stand-alone | |
Education Law and Policy | GCT-EDLW-XDE | Fall 2023 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Education and Social Sciences Advanced Research Methods (ARM) | GCT-EARM | Fall 2009 | 12 | ED | CLED | Stand-alone |
Electromagnetic Fields & Microwave Circuit Design | GCT-EFMC GCT-EFMC-XDE | Fall 2024 | 15 | EN | ECEN | Stand-alone |
Endodontics | CTG-ENDO | Fall 2018 | 61 | DN | ENDO | Stand-alone |
Energy | CTG-ENGY, CTG-ENGY-XDE | Fall 2015 | 15 | EN | CLEN | Stand-alone |
Energy Law-Environmental and Energy Law and Policy | CTG-EELP, CTG-EELP-XDE | Fall 2021 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Energy Law-Oil Gas Law and Policy | CTG-EOGL, CTG-EOGL-XDE | Fall 2021 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Engineering Project Management | GCT-ENPM | Fall 2019 | 12 | EN | MTDE | Stand-alone |
Entrepreneurship | CTG-ENTR, CTG-ENTR-XDE | Fall 2004 | 12 | BA | MGMT | Stand-alone |
Environmental Hazard Management | GCT-ENHZ | Fall 2003 | 15 | AR | LAUP | Degree |
Extension Education | GCT-EXED, GCT-EXED-XDE | Fall 2017 | 14 | AG | ALEC | Stand-alone |
Film and Media Studies | GCT-FLMS | Fall 2012 | 12 | PV | CLPV | Degree |
Finance | GCT-FINC, GCT-FINC-XDE | Fall 2017 | 12 | BA | CLBA | Degree |
Food Safety | GCT-FSAF | Fall 2009 | 12 | AG | ANSC | Degree |
Forensic Healthcare | CTG-FOHC, CTG-FOHC-XDE | Fall 2016 | 12 | NU | CLNU | Stand-alone |
Geographic Information Science (GIS) | CTG-GISC, CTG-GISC-XDE | Fall 2003 | 12 | AT | GEOG | Stand-alone |
Geospatial Intelligence | CTG=GSPI, CTG=GSPI=XDE | Fall 2020 | 15 | AT | GEOG | Stand-alone |
Global Health | GCT-GHLT | Fall 2018 | 15 | PH | HBEH | Degree |
Health Law, Policy and Management | CTG-HLWP, CTG-HLWP-XDE | Fall 2021 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Health Systems and Design | GCT-HSYD | Fall 2003 | 16 | AR | CLAR | Degree |
Historic Preservation | GCT-HSPV | Fall 2003 | 15 | AR | CLAR | Stand-alone |
Homeland Security | CTG-CHLS, CTG-CHLS-XDE | Fall 2005 | 15 | GB | PSAA | Stand-alone |
Human Resources and Employment Law, Policy and Management | CTG-HREL-XDE | Fall 2022 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Human Systems Integration Bioastronautics | GCT-HSIB-XDE | Fall 2024 | 12 | EN | AERO | Stand-alone |
Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy | GCT-INDP-XDE | Fall 2023 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Industrial Data Analytics | GCT-IDAN, GCT-IDAN-XDE | Fall 2017 | 12 | EN | ISEN | Stand-alone |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology | GCT=IOPY | Fall 2019 | 12 | AT | PBSI | Degree |
Intellectual Property and Technology Law and Policy | GCT-INPT-XDE | Fall 2023 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Internal Audit | GCT-IAUD | Fall 2022 | 15 | BA | ACCT | Degree |
International Agriculture formerly International Agriculture and Resource Management | GCT-INAG, GCT-INAG- XDE | Fall 1998 | 15 | AG | ALEC | Stand-alone |
International Tax Law and Policy | CTG-ITLP, CTG-ITLP-XDE | Fall 2021 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Latino/a and Mexican American Studies | GCT=LMAS | Fall 2016 | 12 | AT | SOCI | Degree |
Leadership Education, Theory and Practice | GCT-LETP, GCT-LETP-XDE | Fall 2009 | 12 | AG | ALEC | Stand-alone |
Marketing | GCT-MKTG, GCT-MKTG-XDE | Fall 2017 | 12 | BA | CLBA | Degree |
Materials, Informatics and Design | GCT-MIND | Fall 2018 | 15 | EN | MSEN | Stand-alone |
Maternal and Child Health | GCT-MACH, GCT-MACH-XDE | Fall 2018 | 12 | PH | PHEB | Stand-Alone |
Meat Science | GCT-MTSC | Fall 2007 | 12 | AG | ANSC | Degree |
Medical Sciences | GCT-MDSC | Fall 2023 | 13 | MD | CLMN | Stand-alone |
Military Land Sustainability | GCT-MLSU, GCT-MLSU-XDE | Fall 2012 | 13 | AG | RWFM | Stand-alone |
National Security Affairs | GCT-CNSA | Fall 2009 | 12 | GB | CLGB | Stand-alone |
Nonprofit Management | CTG-CNPM, CTG-CNPM-XDE | Fall 2008 | 12 | GB | PSAA | Stand-alone |
Nuclear Security | GCT-NUSE, GCT-NUSE-XDE | Fall 2017 | 12 | EN | NUEN | Stand-alone |
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology | CTG-OMSP | Fall 2018 | 40 | DN | DIAS | Stand-alone |
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology | CTG-OMSR | 48 | DN | DIAS | Stand-alone | |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery formerly Maxillofacial Surgery | CTG-OMSS | 12 | DN | OMSU | Stand-alone | |
Orthodontics | CTG-ORTH | 47.5 | DN | ORTH | Stand-alone | |
Pediatric Dentistry | CTG-PEDD | 48.5 | DN | PEDD | Stand-alone | |
Periodontics | CTG-PERI | 52 | DN | PERI | Stand-alone | |
Prosthodontics | CTG-PROS | Fall 2021 | 50.5 | DN | COMD | Stand-alone |
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner | CTG-PMHN-XDE | Fall 2023 | 26 | NU | CLNU | Stand-alone |
Public Management | CTG-PBMG, CTG-PBMG-XDE | Fall 2017 | 12 | GB | PSAA | Stand-alone |
Real Estate and Construction Law, Policy and Management | CTG-RECL-XDE | Fall 2022 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Risk Management and Compliance | CTG-RMGC, CTG-RMGC-XDE | Fall 2021 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Safety Engineering | GCT-SENG, GCT-SENG-XDE | Fall 2011 | 12 | EN | CHEN | Stand-alone |
Safety in Semiconductor Processing | GCT-SSCP, GCT-SSCP-XDE | Fall 2024 | 12 | EN | CHEN | Stand-alone |
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education | GCT-METS, GCT-METS-XDE | Fall 2017 | 12 | ED | TLAC | Stand-alone |
Semiconductor Manufacturing | GCT-SCMF | Fall 2024 | 13 | EN | ECEN | Degree |
Supply Chain and Operations | GCT-SCOP, GCT-SCOP-XDE | Fall 2017 | 12 | BA | CLBA | Degree |
Sustainable Urbanism | GCT-SURB | Fall 2004 | 15 | AR | LAUP | Degree |
Technical Development Management | GCT-TDMG, GCT-TDMG-XDE | Fall 2021 | 12 | BA | INFO | Degree |
Transfer Pricing Law and Policy | GCT-TPRI-XDE | Fall 2023 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Vector Biology and Vector-Borne Disease Response in Human and Animal Systems | GCT-VBDR | Fall 2018 | 12 | AG | ENTO | Degree |
Wealth Management | CTG-WLMG, CTG-WLMG-XDE | Fall 2021 | 12 | SL | CLSL | Stand-alone |
Women’s and Gender Studies formerly Women's Studies | GCT=WGST | Fall 2006 | 12 | AT | CLAT | Degree |
Note: Program codes beginning with CTG% are eligible for financial aid. Program codes beginning with GCT% are not eligible for financial aid at this time.
Certificate Types
Major-dependent: A student is admitted to the program through the offering department. Admission to the program requires the student to be pursuing a specific degree/major at Texas A&M University. This type of certificate program typically serves as a track within a degree program. The certificate and degree are awarded simultaneously.
Degree-dependent: A student is admitted to the program through the offering department. Admission to the program requires the student to be pursuing a degree at Texas A&M University. The certificate is awarded upon completion of the requirements independent of a degree. Students that do not complete a degree-dependent certificate before becoming inactive at the university are not eligible to be readmitted to these programs unless they pursue an additional degree.
Stand-alone: A student is admitted to the program through the Office of Admissions. The student may pursue the certificate without being enrolled in a degree program. The certificate may be awarded upon completion of requirements.
Please reference our Certificate Tracking & Awarding webpage for more information.
Creation, Discontinuation, & Maintenance | Tracking & Awarding |
Certificates will no longer be posted to the transcript by memo as of August 31, 2017. | Certificate programs will appear on each student’s record as a separate curriculum record, regardless if the certificate is considered stand-alone, degree-dependent, or major-dependent. |
Certificate requirement changes, new certificates, or requests to discontinue certificates should be submitted through the curricular approval request system (CARS). | The Office of the Registrar will ensure through the awarding process that major-dependent certificates are awarded concurrently with the respective degree program. |
Certificates shall require a minimum of 12 credit hours. A certificate proposed with fewer than 12 credit hours requires a strong academic justification and must have the support of the proposing department and college. | Students may pursue multiple certificate programs concurrently. However, including a student’s degree program(s), a student may not pursue more than five programs of any kind concurrently. |
Office of the Registrar will not build certificate program and codes until all approvals have been obtained. • For programs not seeking financial aid eligibility, final approval is either the Office of the President, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, if the certificate exceeds the credit hour thresholds (15 for graduate, 20 for undergraduate), or the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) if the certificate is of a significant departure from previously approved programs. https://sacscoc.org/accrediting-standards/substantive-changes/substantive-change-faqs/ • For programs seeking financial aid, approval is also needed from the US Department of Education and will be communicated to the Office of the Registrar from Scholarships & Financial Aid. | Colleges/departments admitting students into certificate programs will add the appropriate program code to the student’s curriculum record. |
Students should not be admitted to a certificate program before it has received all approvals. | The UAS workflow will be modified to accommodate submitting adjustments and exceptions for certificate programs. Certificate program staff will be designated for authorization to submit these requests. |
Office of the Registrar will build a unique major code (STVMAJR) for each approved certificate based on certificate name. Certificate program codes (SMAPRLE, SOACURR, SZVMCIP, SFACPRL) will utilize the following naming convention (where ‘XXXX’ is the major code): | Students will need to submit a graduation application in Howdy for certificates to be awarded. An individual application for each program is required. This should be done during the term in which the student will complete certificate requirements. A $25 Certificate Processing and Service Charge is assessed for each certificate graduation application submitted by a student. This charge is non-refundable. Additionally, this charge cannot be transferred to another certificate graduation application. |
• UCT-XXXX Undergraduate, non-financial aid eligible certificate • UCT-XXXX-XDE Undergraduate, non-financial aid eligible, distance education certificate | Office of the Registrar will award certificates no more frequently than the last calendar day of each month. Major-dependent certificates will be awarded once the degree is conferred. Standalone and degree-dependent certificates can be awarded at the end of the month in which all requirements are met. |
• GCT-XXXX Graduate, non-financial aid eligible certificate • GCT-XXXX-XDE Graduate, non-financial aid eligible, distance education certificate | All University certificates will be awarded using a consistent credential with a format similar to, but distinct from the diploma of Texas A&M University. |
• CTU-XXXX Undergraduate, financial aid eligible certificate • CTU-XXXX-XDE Undergraduate, financial aid eligible, distance education certificate | All University certificates will be issued by the Office of the Registrar and will contain the signatures of the University President, Chancellor, and the Chair of the Board of Regents, similar to the diploma. |
• CTG-XXXX Graduate, financial aid eligible certificate • CTG-XXXX-XDE Graduate, financial aid eligible, distance education certificate | University certificates will either be mailed directly to the student or issued to the college for formal presentation. |
Office of the Registrar (Curricular Services) will build a degree evaluation based on requirements defined in certificate approval documents. These requirements, similar to degree program requirements, will apply to a catalog year and can be modified each year through the curricular approval process. | Office of the Registrar will provide official verifications of certificates awarded under these standards. |